Yoshi's speeches site

Here you'll find all of Yoshi's speeches, interviews and debates.
You can either scroll down to read all the textes,
or you can use the following menu to go directly to the text you want to read.

Perhaps you don't want to read all this stuff, because it's too much.
Of course, it is much. But if you really want to know more details about Yoshi's plans or similar stuff, you should read this.
And it isn't as boring as it looks. The textes are written in a funny way. You surely will laugh while reading them!
Just try it!
Last Update: 3/14/2005

Interview 1
(Part 1)

29 September
Content: - Making of the official NC homepage
- Regular updates = People can depend on Yoshi
- Reason why the "Yoshi News" banner was created
- Presentation of the Yoshi logo

Interview 1
(Part 2)

03 October
Content: - Why the other candidates don't know how to have more updates
- Splitting the work to more users means more updates
- More uploads of fan works
- More sections for NC (example: games)
- More multmedia for NC (examples: too many to list them here)
- Poser rolling on floor of laughing

Interview 2
09 October
Content: - Why Yoshi helped Mario
- What do to with Mario
- Debates with other candidates
- What Yoshi has to do with gangs

Interview 3
06 November
Content: - What Yoshi thinks of the voting that week
- Yoshi's opinion of his campaign
- Why Romplayer made what he made

Interview 4
06 December
Content: - Yoshi's feelings after the primaries
- What happens if Romplayer doesn't find the time to update
- Plans for the general campaign

Syrup's Speech 1
23 February
Content: - Questions to the scallywags

Interview 5
07 March
Content: - Yoshi's response to Glyph and X-3
- The candidates for vice president

Interview 6
14 March
Content: - Yoshi's and Syrup's response to Hsadwo
- The candidates for president

Interview 1 (Part 1)

Orlando:Please welcome the probably most green dinosauer on earth, ...
Poser: ... the one and only great YOSHI !
Yoshi: Hi! How are you? Do you like your job?
Poser: Oh yes, it's super!
Orlando: It's boring, stupid and as super as a piece of shit.
Yoshi: Um... you don't like your job, Orlando?
Orlando: I don't like YOU!
Yoshi: Hm, I see...
Orlando: Although the fact that we already got paid is nice.
Yoshi: Huh? Isn't that the standard way?
Poser: Well, Jay didn't pay us ever.
Yoshi: He did not? Why?
Poser: We don't know. Perhaps he gives all his money to poor African children. Jay's a good man.
But now let's talk about ...
Orlando: Sex?
Poser: ... Let's talk about you, Yoshi.
What did you do since you were nominated?

Yoshi: In the first week I prepared my campaign. I created posters and employed you.
In the second week my CM Romplayer and I created the official NC election homepage. I think the design is very good. You can see it soon, we just have to wait for Jay to upload it.
Poser: That sounds like you had a lot to do for the last days.
Yoshi: Oh yes I had! But it was also fun to design a homepage together with Romplayer.
Orlando: Bah. That's all not interesting. Why do we talk about the past? What's about the present?
Yoshi: Well then. I will now create my personal promotion homepage. You can see it when you visit the official homepage.

Poser: Let's talk about this campaign.
Yoshi: Right. All the CMs don't update regular. People have to wait and don't know when there will be an update.
This isn't the case in my campaign! I'll update every two days, so people can depend on me!
Poser: That's a really good point!
Yoshi: Furthermore I have employed the two most known reporters in NC world, John Poser II and Lyle Orlando.
Orlando: Yeah that's right! We are the best reporters in the world!
Poser: Please Orlando, stop interupting Yoshi!
Yoshi: Another thing I do with this campaign what nobody else does is a mark which shows everybody "Hey, new Yoshi stuff!".
Poser: It's that sign above, isn't it?
Yoshi: Yes, that is it. With calling out "Yoshi News" it shows people that there are new Yoshi things.
Orlando: Great. Every time we report a huge sign flies above our heads, which can easily fall down.
Poser: No, it won't. Yoshi, you told us you created another mark?
Yoshi: In fact I created more than one new mark. But for the moment I will just use this one:

This will be the official Yoshi Logo for the moment.

Poser: Fine. Well, we have to stop the interview here.
Orlando: We have so much material now that probably nobody has read this interview because it is too long!
Yoshi: We'll see. If anybody has read the whole text he can post a comment in the news or write an PM. Then he can tell us how he liked it.
Poser: Okay, then let's stop now. When you will be here next time for an interview, we will talk about your plans you want to realize when you got elected. Bye!

Interview 1 (Part 2)

Poser: Hi! It's Poser and Orlando with the second part of our interview with Yoshi!
Orlando: Hello Yoshi!
Yoshi: Hi Orlando, hi Poser! Hi viewers of Yoshi News!
Poser: What are your plans for your time as president?
Yoshi: Main part of my plans are the updates. We need much more of them on NC!
Orlando: Bah. That's what every candidate says.
Yoshi: I've noticed that, too. But did you notice that NOBODY has really an idea of how to realize that?
Poser: Hmm, what do you mean?
Yoshi: They all just say they will beat Jay to update more often, or they just simply say that there will be more updates, but don't say a word on how to do this.
Orlando: I think you're right... Nobody really knows how to make more updates.
Yoshi: But I KNOW how to bring more updates to NC!
Poser: You do what? Tell us!
Yoshi: We can't just let Jay do all the work. He has a RL like everybody else! We may not punish him to make new updates immediately.
But that's what the other candidates promise. Just think! What will happen if somebody has to bring an update in extremely short time?
Orlando: Hmm... I think... uh...
Poser: The updates won't be very good, will they?
Yoshi: That's the point, Poser! They won't reach the quality we want to see at NC.
Orlando: So what do you want to do then?
Yoshi: If only Jay is updating the page, he has to do all the work alone. That takes time of course!
But if we split the work up to many guys, it will go much faster!
Poser: Oh, I begin to understand. That really sounds good!
Yoshi: That's not all! Furthermore we will allow other users to bring up their works to NC. Comix, Deathmatches, Articles, whatever they want to do.
Of course we have to check them before they go online. Only really good works will be uploaded.
Poser: So that we still have the quality we love.
Orlando: Hey, this is really great! Why didn't have anybody else this great ideas?
Yoshi: Thanks Orlando. Nice to hear a praise from you.
Orlando: Um... What are your other plans?
Poser: *grins*

Yoshi: We need more stuff at NC. With more and more updates coming we need more sections.
Poser: More sections? What do you mean?
Yoshi: For example games. There are a lot of NC games made by NC fans. But nobody knows them, because they aren't available for download.
It's only one example, but I have concrete plans for other sections, too!
Orlando: You have concrete plans?!?
Yoshi: Yes! Most of the other candidates just say they want to change something, but they don't have real plans on how to do this.
Poser: Very good, very good.
Orlando: Do you have some more plans?

Yoshi: Of course I have! We need more multimedia!
Orlando: Multimedia?
Yoshi: At the moment people just can view comix or read articles.
There should be more.
I'm planning flash games, more "Choose what you want to do" adventures, and an NC textadventure, which is played online.
We also need more movies and things like that.
And the concept of people speaking NC roles, which was planned and dropped a long time ago, should be reloaded.
Poser: Wow. That are really concrete plans!
Orlando: And nobody else did have such concrete plans until now!
Yoshi: That's why I think I should become president. I will REALLY change things in NC. Not becoming just a lame president figure like Bill.
Poser: Well, I'll vote you!
Orlando: I'll also vote yo... um... I won't vote you! I still don't like you!
Poser: *grins again*
Yoshi: That's okay. I think that's all for now, isn't it?
Poser: Yes, it is. I hope people read this interview and realize that you really plan to change things.

Orlando: Stop! One more question!
Yoshi: Yes, Orlando?
Orlando: When will the Yoshi homepage be finished? You know, the one which is part of the official election homepage.
Um... Not that I want to view it, um... just for your fans to know!
Poser: *big grin*
Yoshi: Well, I think you can expect it sometime in the next week.
Orlando: Um... fine. Well, then thanks for the interview!
Poser: *starts laughing*
Yoshi: No problem. Bye you two, have fun with your further reportations. We will have an interview some time again.
Poser: *falls from his chair because of laughing*
Orlando: Grml... This was Yoshi News, live from Yoshi's Island! See you on Tuesday! Your Orlando and Poser!
Poser: *is rolling on floor of laughing*

Interview 2

Poser: Good morning! It's time again for a new interview!
Orlando: Hello Yoshi!
Yoshi: Hi guys. How are you?
Orlando: Fine. Let's talk about the other candidates in your party.
Yoshi: Well, I will NOT say bad things about them. I don't like the candidates who only say the others are bad.
They are creating posters or speeches only to make false accusations.

Poser: Which brings us to the next point: General Guy says you are working with Mario.
Yoshi: Sigh. That's a thing I get to hear over and over again.
We Yoshis are good guys. We help people and we are fair.
Poser: What do you mean with this?
Yoshi: It's now over 10 years ago, that we Yoshis were caught by an evil person. We don't know whether it was Bowser like everybody thinks, because we haven't seen the person who caught us.
This person transformed us into Yoshi eggs and put us into ?-blocks.
Orlando: What is it like in a ?-block? Hehe *grins*
Yoshi: Oh, very stuffy. But then Mario and Luigi came. They released us and we were free again.
That's why we helped them. We carried them all over the island.
Poser: That's the fact many people don't understand.
Yoshi: I'm regretful about these people. What would they have done instead? They probably ran away and didn't help Mario and Luigi.
Isn't that unfair? These brothers release you and you run away?!?
No, Yoshis are different. They are fair. So they helped them.
Orlando: That really sounds good.
Yoshi: Another interesting thing: Those guys always say, I have helped Mario. But didn't I help Luigi, too? Oh, I really don't like peolpe who only tell people half of the truth.
And do you remember what the quest of the brothers was? They rescued Princess Toadstool! Wasn't that a good thing? Wasn't that worth fighting for?
Orlando: You are right. That was really good what you did, although it was Mario.
Poser: And Luigi! Luigi's a good person.

Orlando: What do you think about Mario?
Yoshi: Oh, I don't like him. He is fat and stupid.
Poser: What will you do with him when you got elected?
Yoshi: We just have to handle him right.
He could make pizzas for us. Or repair our water-pipes.
We just have to do it right.

Poser: Do you want to have a debate with other candidates?
Yoshi: Yes, I do. Syrup offered me to have one. I asked her about the time when to do it. But she didn't answer.
Orlando: What's the time again you said?
Yoshi: Today from 3pm to 6pm (NYC time).
Perhaps she will tell me in time when she wants to hold the debate.
I can't do anymore, I have to wait for her response.

Poser: Syrup said, you are hiring some gangs.
Yoshi: What? How did she know?
Orlando: You mean Syrup was right?!?
Yoshi: Of course she is! But it was planned to be a surprise...
Poser: What?
Yoshi: I talked with the gang leaders to change the gangs to the good side. They were bad guys, but with my diplomacy I could persuade them.
They are good persons now, and it should be a surprise for you, which I wanted to tell you when I got elected.
Poser: Oh...
Yoshi: Argh. Why did Syrup just have to follow me? She destroyed my surprise. :(
Orlando: I think she just wanted to help and prevent people from voting a bad guy.
Yoshi: Yes, that's probably true. But I'm NOT the bad guy. When will she trust me?

Poser: Hm... I think it's time to leave now.
Orlando: Leaving a sad Yoshi.
Poser: Well... bye.

Interview 3

Poser: This week people can vote their Retro Activists presidency candidate. What do you think who will win, Yoshi?
Yoshi: Oh, I hope I'll win! Hey, that's why I take part. The pre-polls showed how many people want Yoshi as their president. I got over twice the votes than the second-ranked, and more than all the other candidates combined.
Orlando: What do you think, how many people will actually vote this week?
Yoshi: That's difficult to say. I think the other parties will get more votes, because they are later and so more people will know that they can vote now. But I don't think more than 50 people voted this week.
Orlando: Well, the week's not over yet...
Yoshi: Yes, and I hope people will keep on voting for me tomorrow.

Poser: Are you happy with how your campaign goes until now?
Yoshi: Mostly. I'm glad we could keep up our plan to update every second day. In the beginning Romplayer didn't know whether he could do this all the time, but as you can see, it worked!
Orlando: 10 posters were made until now. Which one do you like best?
Yoshi: I prefer the Uncle Sam poster. I love how the hairs perfectly fit in to the head.
Poser: Do you think there should be more speeches?
Yoshi: No. Speeches are interesting and partly funny, but it's hard to read a lot of them. I think most people prefer posters or things without much text.
Also we have 4 speeches now. That's more than ALL of the other candidates have! Most of them don't even have ONE speech, and NOBODY has as many as we do!
Orlando: How do you like your "Rest" page?
Yoshi: I love it. That's a thing nobody else has. The idea of the ability to download Yoshi stuff is great. My own fan articles! *g*
I also like the update button. Every time I visit VGF Forums and see a post written by Romplayer, I immediately know whether there is new stuff on my homepage!

Poser: Romplayer made his very first comic. And that one for your campaign.
Yoshi: That is wonderful. It's a honour for me that my campaign was the reason for Romplayer to start his - hopefully successful - career.
He registered in VGF forums only because of this election. Although he wanted to register much earlier, this event was the initiator for him.
He made his first NC pictures here (the posters), and now also his first sprite comic. And that all only because of this election!
Orlando: Do you like the comic?
Yoshi: Well, it's okay. It's quite good when you consider that this is his first comic. And: It has twice the sprites than Jay's first comic.
Poser: Romplayer always says he wants to have some feedback to his work.
Orlando: But nobody, really nobody said something to his work.
Yoshi: That makes me sad. I know that's the way it normally goes on the internet. Some people do the hard work, the others enjoy but don't say anything or help.
But it's very poor that not even ONE person here says even one word. Really poor.

Poser: Oh, it's time already to quit!
Orlando: So much talking?
Poser: Yeah. Okay Yoshi.
Yoshi: I really enjoyed this interview.
Poser: Me too.
Orlando: Some last words you want to say to the viewers?
Yoshi: Well...
For those who voted me: Thank you very much!
For those who voted for another candidate: I think it's you right to not vote me. I'm sure you had your reasons. But please tell them Romplayer, he really wants to have feedback!
For those who didn't vote yet: GO VOTING! Use your chance! Your vote could change everything!
Poser: Thanks for this interview Yoshi.

Interview 4

Poser: Hello Yoshi!
Yoshi: Hi Poser, Hi Orlando! How are you?
Orlando: How are YOU? You're the one who came through the primaries!
Yoshi: Oh yeah, I'm so happy! I haven't thought that so many people would vote for me!
Poser: We are also happy. Now we can make one month more Yoshi News!
Yoshi: And earn some money, right...?
Poser: Um...

Orlando: Yoshi, what do you plan for the General Election Campaign?
Yoshi: Well, I don't want to tell you too much. But of course we will keep on updating every second day. This part of my campaign has mainly pleased the people.
Poser: What happens if Romplayer hasn't the time to update the campaign?
Yoshi: Everybody understands and accepts that Reallife is more important than this election. If Romplayer can't update, he can't. Then Yoshi News are just moved to another date. No problem. Orlando: What type of ideas for the upcoming month do you have mainly?
Yoshi: I have tons of ideas for new posters. They are so many, I think I can't show you all of them in this month. But perhaps we will bring out Yoshi-News DAILY for some time to show you all the things I've got.
Poser: Wooooo-hooo!
Yoshi: I have also some other plans. For example new things on the Rest page.
Orlando: Wow, sounds exciting.

Poser: We would have liked to ask you some things about your opponents, but time is running away.
Orlando: Literally.
Yoshi: That's okay. We'll just meet sometime again.
Poser: Sure. More than one time.
Yoshi: Greetings to all the people who voted me in the primaries!
Poser: You've heard it! Yeah, he meant YOU!
Or, if you didn't vote for him: Don't mind. Just vote Yoshi in the final election!

Syrup's Speech 1

Poser:Today we're here with someone special!
Orlando: And it's not Yoshi.
Poser:Yes.Instead it is ...
Orlando: ... his running mate!
Syrup: Arr har har!
I have something important to ask all of these scallywags competing with Yoshi's running mates!
First off, Lemmy, how can we trust what ye're saying when you constantly are creating clones?! You ain't two-faced, you're four faced!
And Birdo, I'm not sure we can trust anything coming out of your mouth - err, nose - when the same body part is often used to fireammo at your enemies!
Fred, you're hardly neglected in theliteral sense. Jay goes out of his way to put you in every comix - even Mario Buster, which had nothing to do with you!
And Churro's imaginary friend, you're not even real and your party's candidate has been missin for months!
So long!

Interview 5

Poser: The monday this week, the one next week and the one after that we will have interviews with Yoshi.
Orlando: After that the election is over.
Poser: And with it's monday today, please welcome... YOSHI !
Yoshi: Howdy! Nice to be here again!
Poser: We come to the finals now. Excited?
Yoshi: Yeah, of course. It was a long time of campaigning and I'm very interested in the results.

Poser: Let us first comment two things which were posted right after your last poster.
Orlando: Glyph Phoenix: "No, he defeated Baby Bowser. You're a phony!"
Yoshi: Well... nice. Of course I defeated Baby Bowser. But Glyph seems to forget that this happened a long time ago. Mario also was just a baby and so was Bowser!
I defeated Bowser. Not baby Bowser who is painting on islands these days.
Orlando: Second by X-3 X: "Yoshi yet Mario live. If sure he has his reasons, though. So he could kill him later? Yeah, he forgt his knife.
Yoshi: That's what he said? Wow, I can't believe it. What are these people out there doing?
I explained that thing several times now. Can't he read? Or is it just because he can't understand?
Poser: Perhaps... one more time?
Yoshi: I had to rescue Luigi! And Mario was the only one who could lead me to him.
By the way, Mario wasn't evil as a baby. He even played with the shy guys after they hadn't to follow Kamek blindly any more.
Orlando: Heh, that's an interesting point! Perhaps Mario still isn't bad and we can change him if we remind him to his early ... why are you looking at me in such a way?
Poser: ...
Yoshi: ...
Orlando: Um... sorry.

Poser: Let's talk about the vice candidates. First: Fred the Spanyard, who is Bill's mate.
Yoshi: Fred? You can't really want somebody like him become vice president, can you? He is deathraying everything without looking whether it's a friend or not.
He goes crazy if you give him some tacoes.
He doesn't even know whether he ate Bill or not.
And: He is NOT a Mario character! So why vote him?

Orlando: Lemmy Koopa for das Radical Extremists...
Yoshi: That's right! He's radical and an extremist! Do we need such persons here? No, we don't!
In fact he isn't even mature enough to be a vice president. Look at him, he plays with a ball! A BALL!
And he transformed a king into an animal. That's not what we expect from a vice president!

Poser: Birdo, your girlfriend, candidates with Donez.
Yoshi: Birdo is NOT my girlfriend! Anyway, do we exactly know whether Birdo is male or female? That's right, we don't even know which sex Birdo has! Perfect vice...
Next look at his speeches. The only thing he did was shooting eggs at the visitors of his speeches. Super!
Now think again: Do you want Birdo for vice president?

Orlando: I've never said I want him. What about Citrus Man?
Yoshi: That's easy. It's right that Citrus Man is not a bad person.
BUT in fact he is MARIO!
Do you want Mario as a vice president for the Neglected Characters who fight against Mario?
Hah! What an irony!

Poser: The last candidate is Syrup.
Yoshi: Captain Syrup is the most neglected character out of these five. So it would be fair to vote her.
I really can't find anything bad with her. In the primaries she was the only one besides me in the Retro Activists Party who was very active and made a lot of things.
I like her and I think she is a good vice president!

Orlando: Thanks for the interview!
Yoshi: No problem.
Poser: We will meet you next monday and then we will talk about the presidency candidates.
Yoshi: Okay, that's fine!

Interview 6

Poser: Okay, it's Monday.
Orlando: You know what that means.
Poser: Interview time.
Orlando: Hello Yoshi!
Yoshi: Hello Orlando, hello Poser.

Poser: Let's make it like the last time. First we have two quotes.
Orlando: By Hsadwo: "If he believes Mario's so bad now, why's he hang out with the fat creep so much?! (Mockingly) 'Oooh, Mario's having a party, I think I'll go join it.' What a double-talking hypocrite."
Yoshi: It's not only me. All the other NCs do the same, for example Wario and Luigi.
Of course it looks like we are playing for fun with him. It's right that we are playing, but it is not for fun.
We study Mario's moves and his way of thinking. In the minigames we try to defeat him. Unfortunately it's still just a game so that he isn't really hurt, but it's a good training.
Furthermore we collect coins and stars with which we buy weapons or use for technology improvements.
You know Donez' Deathzooka? It's creation was paid with our coins and the special parts in it, which can just be found in the underworld, are bought with stars. By the way, Bowser's the one who is responsible for this underworld things. And he's really good with it.

Orlando: Okay... I've just understood half of it, but doesn't matter. Here's the second quote, again from Hsadwo.
Poser: "He chose CAPTAIN SYRUP as his running mate! A known pirate, AND THIEF! She'll probably rob NC blind if Yoshi's elected."
Yoshi: Yup, that's right, she is a pirate. But where does she get the money from? Why not just asking herself?
Syrup: Hey!
Orlando: Um... euh... hello...
Yoshi: Heh, no need to be afraid! She won't do anything against you, neither would I!
Poser: Captain Syrup, we've just wondered how you gain your money.
Syrup: That differs. Mainly my incomes are from two parts of work.
The first one is treasure hunting. The sugar pirates and me are on sea a long time and search for treasures. It doesn't matter whether we find them in the ocean, for example in sunken ships, or on islands. We search for them and find a lot.
The second one is stealing.
Orlando: Hah! I knew it! THIEF!
Syrup: Excuse me?
Orlando: ... um ... I didn't say anything! ...
Syrup: As you know Mario often leaves his city and takes vacation on islands or play parties with his friends. At least with people who he thinks that are his friends.
In that time the sugar pirates and me break in his castle and steal as much as we can carry. Mainly we try to steal his stars, because those are very rare and can't be found in treasure chests in sunken ships or on islands.
Poser: What do you do with the money and the stars?
Yoshi: Just the same thing like most of the other NCs. I've told you what we do with it some minutes ago. Syrup helps us with it. And her money and stars are as important as the ones we get in Mario's partys!
Poser: Ah, now I understand. Really good.
Orlando: *whispering something to Poser*
Poser: Okay Captain Syrup, thanks for that information!
Syrup: Oh you're welcome.
Poser: You may go to the bar over there and have a drink.
Syrup: Thank you! Bye!
Orlando: *sigh* Thanks John! I really found her frightening.

Poser: Okay Yoshi, now to the most important part of our interview today.
Orlando: Yeah. Let's find out what you think of the other candidates.
Poser: At first we have our old president: Bill the Extra guy.
Yoshi: Right. The problem with Bill is that there is NOTHING extra with him.
He can't do anything but flying on his carpet and ... whatever he does with subways.
If he looses his carpet, he is just a little bird who can't do anything. And we all know that he looses his carpet quite often.
The only thing he can do is his Extra move which freezes people. But this is totally useless because he doesn't even know who to disable it again. And you can't attack freezed people because then the whole universe would collapse.
Oh, talking about the president: What did he do the last 4,5 years? Even Jay did more than Bill! You know what that means.
Don't vote Bill!

Orlando: Nice statement. But there is one guy who can stop the Extra move: Donez.
Yoshi: Donez defenetely is a great scientist with a huge knowledge and funny answers to silly questions, as you can see in the "Ask Dr. Donez" area.
But that doesn't make a president. Donez only made a few things in his campaign. He won't do any more if he got elected. Then we have the same thing like the last 4,5 years.
Also do you really want to see a closeup whenever somebody speaks of the president? Terrible.

Poser: Okay, we shouldn't vote for the white tweeter. But what about the blue one?
Yoshi: Churro is a funny little guy. But that's all. He isn't ready to become a president. Perhaps in 4 years when he growed up a bit. But not now.
What does he do the whole day? Jumping around, falling from the sky und thinking he can "fly away". Great.
Furthermore Churro is the reason why this election took so long. Everybody was bored after two months of waiting for the final election. And we all only had to wait so long because CHURRO didn't tell us who his mate was.
Churro is even worse as a president than Bill!

Orlando: Let's talk about the last candidate: King Bowser.
Yoshi: Bowser promises everything. But nobody is perfect. Nobody can realize all the things Bowser promised. He is just like most of the politicians: First promise a lot, then do nothing.
Bowser is the only one (besides me) I would accept for the president of the Neglected Characters. Although he didn't make as much as I, he really did a lot campaigning - both in the primaries and in the final phase.
If you don't vote me, vote him! He deserves becoming president.

Poser: Okay. Thanks for this LARGE interview.
Orlando: Now the last week of campaigning started and the last chance for the people to vote.
Yoshi: I hope this week passes soon. I want to know who won.
Poser: I hope Jay tells us the winner right after the election, not with a week or somehing like that waiting before.
Orlando: I hope the restaurant over there sells some cheeseburgers.
Poser: ...
Yoshi: ...
Orlando: WHAT?!?
Poser: Okay Yoshi, we'll meet again next Monday.
Yoshi: No matter whether I won or not.
Poser: Any last words until then?
Yoshi: I want to see a nice last week of campaigning. From EVERYBODY!
And I want that the people don't vote just the NCs they like most, as they did it in the primaries. They should look through the campaigns and THEN choose who to vote.
It's the election for the NC president, not for the nicest one.
Orlando: Fine. Then good luck for you Yoshi, and we will rest until tomorrow. Now up and away to that cheeseburgers!
Poser: Have a nice day!