1: What is your full name?
Well, just call me Yoshi, that's easier.
2: What is your favorite color??
I like all colors!
3: What is your favorite food group?
Bad guys and berries.
4: Who is your Campaign Manager?
5: What is your Political Party?
Retro Activists
6: Why did you join that party?
Retro games are the best. Sound and grafic may be not as good as on newer systems, but the fun while playing is much higher in retro games!
You all know that SNES games are much better than N64 games!
7: Why did you decide to run for president?
I have some nice plans for the NC page. Bill didn't do anything but eating ... Subways.
I love the NC page and want future generations to love it, too.
8: What are your plans if you're elected?
Well, there are many. I don't want to tell you all in the moment, I'll keep them secret.
But here are 3 plans in short: Much more updates by improving a new system, new sections, more multimedia.
9: What is your policy on Speedos?
When people want to wear them, why shouldn't they be allowed? Hey, we're living in a free land!
And I'm shocked about president candidates here saying that they will forbid them only because they don't like them! That's fascism!!!
10: What is your policy on Mario?
Well, we just have to use him right. We can hit him with stones so that he becomes a super hero called Citrus Man.
Or we can have him making pizzas or pasta for us or repairing our water-pipes.
Mario can be very useful when we do the right things for it.
11: What is your policy on gangs in schools?
Everybody makes faults. Especially children.
We cannot punish children because they join gangs.
But we can try to support "good" gangs, which help poor people or help rescuing our nature.
12: What is your policy on allowing Squaresoft characters to come to NC?
We always have to remember that NC is short for "Neglected Mario Characters"! There are only few Squaresoft characters that belong to the Mario universe.
If there are only few of them and they are very funny, they may take part in NC comix.
But they shouldn't get main parts in future.
13: What is your policy on the environment?
We have to save environment. If we keep on destroing it, our childrens will have to life in a dark, sad world. You don't want this, do you?
There are thousand possibilities to help mother nature! For example we could plant berry bushes.
14: Paper or plastic?
We need both. Only using paper doesn't work, many things can't be produced only with paper. And just using plastics doesn't work either, because of environment.
15: Do you have any other comments or statements that you would like to make to the voters?
No, not really. I think people who want to know more about my presidency plans are always reading the Yoshi News, being published in the Retro Activists thread and soon on the Official site.
I love the NC page and am glad to be part of it.
Welcome to Yoshi Downloads!
Here you find Yoshi stuff to download.
In the moment there isn't very much, but it will get more and more!
Yoshi is the only candidate who offers downloads!
In addition to my "23 poster" (click here to view it) I've made my very first comic.
You can view it HERE.
Please give me some feedback about it! Thanks.
I've created a button, which always shows you when there is an update on Yoshi's Election page.
I will change the button whenever there is an update here. I'll change both the date and the color, so you can see the change at once.
This means, you only have to put the button somewhere you see it and whenever I change it you notice that.
Part of the button is the date of the last update and the section where something was changed (Posters, Speeches, ...)
That's the button:
And that's the link to this button: www.muffin-mann.de/sonstiges/nc/update.gif
I hope you like it.
Do you want to know how much you know about Yoshi?
Then test yourself with my Yoshi quizzes!
Thanks to Chuck Quizmo for the quiz script!
Note: If you win the quiz without a mistake, you get a reward!